I'd like to reflect on a particular commercial that has been troubling me everytime it airs. It is the new Wendy's commercial promoting the new two items for 4.99 deal. I tried finding a clip of the commercial but the shame has been hidden away from the internet like an embarrassing sixth toe. Incase you have not had the misfourtune of witnessing said commercial I will exlpain. The commercial begins with two middle aged women on lunch break enjoying their Wendy's that now gives you 2 items of your choice for roughly five dollars. In the midst of indulging in their fast food feast the women spot a man across the table. They notice this man only has one container of food in front of him. This amusses the women and they laugh and point at the man and his healthy unAmerican rationing of food. At this point I am completely turned off by these women and I want nothing more than for the man to simply remind them that that they are no longer 20 years old and they would be able to stop bitching and moaning about their big thighs and bulging gut if they weren't so keen on eating fast food in large portions. However my feelings of disgust quickly take a turn...
The man instantly becomes embarrased by the mockery being made of him. Obviously this man is feeling inadequate, and he decides he must one-up the hysterical women across the table. He quickly thinks of what he can pull out to impress the women or at least make them leave him alone. The man grabs his cell phone. Immediately, I've lost all respect for him. I'm not sure if he has confused food with electronics or if he is just unaware that it is 2010 and everyone has a cell phone, but everytime I am left stumped by his logic. Of course the women find this amusing and giggle at his pathetic attempt. To make matters worse the cell phone begins to ring. The ringtone was an electronic synthesized tune that was supposed to be untraditional and unpredictable for a grown working man to have. This would have been really humorous except for the fact that it is just not. Not only does noone laugh when they see this commercial, but Geico already did the "funny" ringtone bit. It wasn't funny when they did it either. The women at the table however found this once again hillarious and I was once again left confused and unamused.